The Elite package is a very detailed health screening package which includes a full physical assessment (with tonometry, audiometry and spirometry) and consultation with our doctor, including a very detailed blood profile (with fasting) with cancer markers, hormone tests, stool occult blood and a pap smear for ladies as well as a choice of 5 diagnostic investigations.
Icon Elite Health Screen
Retail inclusive of 9% GST
S$1800 (Female)
S$1700 (Male)
Core Components
- Medical Consultation and Examination (Inc Review)
- Body Index Analysis (BIA)
- Urine & Stool Analysis
- Chest X-Ray
- ThinPrep Pap Test (Female only)
Blood Tests
- Haematology (Hb, RBC (RCC), WCC (TWDC), 5 Part Differential Count, Platelet Count, PCV, MCH / MCV, MCHC, Blood Film Comment, ESR, Blood Group)
- Lipid profile (Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Total chol / HDL chol)
- Fasting Glucose & HbA1C
- Renal Profile (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Urea, Creatinine)
- Liver profile (Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Total Bilirubin, ALP, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), GGT, A/G Ratio)
- Bone & Joint (Calcium, Phosphate, Uric Acid, R A Factor)
- STD (VDRL, HIV Antibody)
- Tumour Markers: AFP, CEA, CA 19.9, EBV EA, CA125 (Female Only), Total PSA (Male Only), Helicobacter pylori- IgG.
- Hep A & B
- hsCRP
- Thyroid (Free T4 & TSH)
- Serum Ferritin
- Vitamin D
Hormone Profiles
- Menopausal Profile (FSH, LH, E2, Prolactin) – Female Only
- Andropausal Profile (FSH, LH, E2, Total Testosterone, DHEAS, Prolactin) – Male Only
Other Tests
- Urine Microalbumin, Urine Creatinine, Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine ratio
- Homocysteine
- Vitamin B12
- Folate
- Apolipoprotein A, Apolipoprotein B, Apo A/B Ratio
- Tonometry
- Audiometry
- Spirometry
Group A Investigations — Choose THREE
- Treadmill ECG
- Bone Mass Density
- Ultrasound Thyroid
- Ultrasound Hepatobiliary System (HBS)
- Ultrasound Kidney
- Ultrasound Bladder
- Ultrasound Breast (Female only)
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female only)
Group B Investigations — Choose TWO
- Ultrasound Abdomen
- Mammogram with Ultrasound Breast (Female only)
- Ultrasound Prostate (Male only)
- Ultrasound Scrotum / Testicle (Male only)